Friday, December 24, 2010

wish u a merry chritmas

The festival of Christmas has a special significance in everyone's life. Though Christmas is considered to be the primary festival of the Christian calendar but today it is a part of all religions and is a universal festival. Christmas celebrates humanity and mankind and conveys message of love, tolerance and brotherhood. It is celebrated on the 25th December, the date when Jesus Christ
was born. The word Christmas is derived from an early English phrase 'Cristes maesse', that means 'Mass of Christ'. According to many scholars, the festival originated in the 4th century as a Christian
substitute for pagan celebrations of the winter solstice many years before the Christ child was born. 25th December is first mentioned as the birth date of Jesus Christ in 336 AD in an early Roman calendar.
(photo,without permission)


  1. Nicely written post.wish u Merry Christmas

  2. Jesus is a symbol that God lives among the most poor people and the rich often forget Him.


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